Living Room
A community not a congregation
Our gatherings and get togethers
As a church family, we are exploring living out rhythms daily, weekly and monthly, in smaller settings, rather than meeting every Sunday all together. As we create these spaces, we believe that God is positioning us to grow personally and as a community.
Please see our calendar for upcoming events.
How We Gather
We encourage everyone to build daily rhythms of prayer. For those that wish, we have a daily 6am prayer gathering on Zoom. Contact us for the link.
Small groups
City Life Church has many different 'small groups' that meet weekly or regularly, in person and online across the city. These include prayer groups, study groups, creative groups and worship groups to name a few!
Youth group
The youth group (aged 11-17) meets every Sunday to grow in their relationships with God and one another.
Contact us for more information.
We partner with an organisation called Young Life International, connecting with teenagers across Southampton.
We encourage families and groups to gather for teaching in their homes. Our teaching resources can be found on our Church Centre app.
Every 4th Sunday we meet at St Albans Church, Tulip Road, Southampton at 4pm for a time of all age worship, testimony and connection.
City Life Prophetic Community
The prophetic community is open to anyone who is interested in developing the gift of prophecy. It meets on the second Friday of each month to explore teaching and practice activations, as well as praying for individuals, groups and businesses. On the third Sunday of each month the prophetic community offers 15 minute appointments for anyone who would like to receive a word of encouragement from God. If you are interested in either of these, you can email prophetic@citylife.org.uk for more information.