

Developing a culture of safety through strong safeguarding practices is a key part of realising our vision and upholding our values.

Our safeguarding processes are designed to help everyone work together to ensure that children and adults at risk are safe when accessing any of our projects or services. We ask everyone who volunteers with or works for our charity to be familiar with our policy and procedures and to complete safeguarding training.

As part of our commitment to providing a safe environment for all, we need to ensure we are recruiting staff and volunteers safely by following appropriate procedures and ensuring all necessary checks are made. We are grateful to all who volunteer and work with our charity for supporting us with these essential processes.

Call the DSL if you observe possible signs of:

  • Harm
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Radicalism or extremism
  • Abuse / harm to a vulnerable person

Report any concerns as early as possible to the Charity Designated safeguarding Lead (DSL) or, if they are unavailable, the Trustee for Safeguarding:

Charity DSL: Paul Woodman | | 07387 108 669

Trustee for Safeguarding: Naomi Sebborn | | 07812 054 059

If neither are available:

Contact the church leadership team:

Call ThirtyOne:Eight: 0303 003 1111

Southampton City Council Adult Social Care Service: 023 8083 3003

Southampton City Council Adult Abuse or concerns reporting form: Click here.


Southampton City Council Child Protection and Children in Need online referral form: Click here.

Southampton City Council Children Resource Service (formerly MASH): 023 8083 3004

If the DSL or Trustee for Safeguarding are implicated, call ThirtyOne:Eight: 0303 003 1111

To read our ’Safeguarding Adults’ and ’Safeguarding Children’ policies, click here.